Thank you for visiting my site! I am MySha and I’m honored to have you here. Let me tell you a little about myself and how Myla Naturals got started.
I am a passionate nurse and leader in the healthcare industry, and I’ve been dedicated to the balance of natural and Western medicine since I started almost 20 years ago. Beyond my professional endeavors, I am deeply committed to supporting the holistic health of other through elevating their self-care experience.
The inspiration to start Myla Naturals started in June of 2020, amid national protests and a burgeoning global pandemic. I was inspired to think about my health in different ways. I began taking daily walks, joined a gym and focused on the types of things that I was putting into and onto my body.
This mindset led to my search for a healthier and/or natural alternative to traditional lotions. Using my background of over 19 years of blending essential oils and learning about aromatherapy I began my search. After failing to find a product that met the criteria the concept for Myla Naturals was born with a goal of helping others to improve their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing in a more natural way.
To support this, Myla Naturals offers essential oil blends in a body oil base.
Each bottle of my high-quality organic oil is hand-blended to order and are meant to nourish your skin while helping balance your mood. Whether you need more power to keep going, to relax for a more tranquil meditation, or you’re feeling sensually luscious, these products will elevate whatever state you’re looking for.
Through Myla, I am able to share my inspiration, knowledge and passion for holistic wellness. I hope you find something that fits your current needs and maybe, be inspired in your own life as well.
Myla, the combination of my daughter’s name Lyla and my name, MySha, is an tribute to family and self.
So here is an ode to you, whoever you are in this moment.
MySha Allen
Myla Naturals, LLC
Maryland, USA